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01 January 2012

Ara Taiohi, New Zealand's peak youth work body, has launched the first government-endorsed Code of Ethics for youth workers with the Ministry of Youth Development.

17 January 2012

The date is set and Youth Week are now looking for creative young people to help them determine the theme for Youth Week 2012. They are asking young people and people who work with young people, have youth advisory groups, or holiday programmes to ask the young people to help them come up with a theme for Youth Week.

17 January 2012

Extract taken from:

17 January 2012

17 January 2012

Extract taken from

31 January 2012

If you sign-up to the Aotearoa Youth Voices network online in February and you'll be in the draw to win a Prezzy card valued at $100!


16 February 2012

Youth Week 2012 is being led by Ara Taiohi and they want you to know the Youth Week Theme survey is open for voting!

16 February 2012

Last September six young people began work on an event that seeks to inspire, educate and empower youth, by talking about on issues that affect all New Zealanders. The event is Youth Declaration, an annual conference for high school students, which will be bigger and better than ever in 2012.

16 February 2012

Young people who sign-up to AYV online in February will go into a draw to win a Prezzy card valued at $100!

16 February 2012

Extract from

16 February 2012

Hi, I'm Jenna and I work for MYD, every month I sit down and put together the AYV email newsletter.  I want this newsletter to be something you look forward to getting each month so I need you guys to tell me what you want to see in it.


19 March 2012

UN Youth New Zealand is seeking expressions of interest from young people who would like to join the Pacific Project delegation.

19 March 2012

“Love the skin you’re in”

19 March 2012

Hi, I'm Jenna and I work for MYD. Every month I sit down and put together the AYV email newsletter. I want this newsletter to be something you look forward to getting so I need you to tell me what you want to see in it.

19 March 2012


17 April 2012

Tiny Toones are the first hip hop crew from Cambodia to set foot in NZ ever! Aged 16-24 yrs old, they once roamed the streets of Cambodia, hopeless and without a dream. Today they inspire thousands on the international stage with their personal stories of growing up in a post-genocide nation.

17 April 2012

This year we all get the chance to have a say on changes we'd like to see to the way our MMP voting system works. It’s an important opportunity – it’s not often we get to have a say on something that is going to affect the whole country for years to come.

17 April 2012

If you had two minutes to address world leaders at Rio+20 in Brazil this June, what would you say? What kind of future would you want for all the world's inhabitants? Win a Date with History is a contest that calls on young people across the world to record and submit short speeches that will urge, inspire, and ultimately move global leaders attending the Earth Summit to take action.

17 April 2012

Have you checked out the Youth Week Facebook page yet?

17 April 2012

Youth Fund 2012 was open to receive applications from 9 December 2011 to 27 January 2012.

17 April 2012

On 4 April Prime Minister John Key announced the Government’s new Youth Mental Health package. $62 million is going to be invested over four years in new approaches and into existing programmes to address youth mental health issues, including New Zealand's high youth suicide rate.


14 May 2012

Youth Week is from 19 May to 27 May and is only a few weeks away.

14 May 2012

The Kapiti Coast District Council and Kapiti Coast Youth Council took top prize at the 2012 Youth in Local Government Awards held in Gore in April and were commended for their Youth2U Action Plan.

14 May 2012

Stage Challenge is a dance, drama and design spectacular where the students are the stars.

14 May 2012

Did you know that you can have your say on Bills that are going before Select Committees such as the inquiry into Pacific languages in early childhood education.


14 June 2012

Applications for Ship for World Youth are now closed.

15 June 2012

Have you ever seen Youthline’s newsletter?

15 June 2012

In December 2012, the Pride Awards Trust will host the annual Pride Awards ceremony to acknowledge some of Wellington’s young people for their achievements.

15 June 2012

Are you in year 9 to 12 and think you’re the next Bear Grylls? Then you should enter Student vs Wild. You will need to make a video showing how you’d survive a week in the ‘wild’ at school and you could be in to win a scholarship to the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre.

15 June 2012

The forum will be held in Auckland from 17-20 August. It will be jointly hosted by the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO and the Human Rights Commission, with support from the Auckland Council and the Office of the Children’s Commissioner.

15 June 2012

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to current AYV member Brittany Trilford, from the Wellington City Youth Council, for winning the global “Date With History” youth video speech contest.

15 June 2012


10 August 2012

Did you know that the Ministry of Youth Development is on Facebook?

10 August 2012

Applications for the 2012 Prime Minister’s Pacific Youth Awards are now open, giving young Pacific people the opportunity to have their talent and leadership potential recognised.

10 August 2012

The Office of the Children’s Commissioner advocates for the interest of young New Zealanders.


17 September 2012

RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) is a week-long leadership development programme for 20-28 year olds hosted and sponsored by Rotary Clubs in the district. RYLA is an experiential live-in programme designed to help young people develop their team work and communication skills and fulfil their potential as leaders.

17 September 2012

The Ministry of Health is looking for young people, like you, to take part in a youth forum on health services in secondary schools. It's a chance to express your views and tell them what you think is important.

17 September 2012

Its called the 'Youth Fund' because we want applications to come from young people. We have regional panels of young people (called the Youth Funding Panel) who will assess all submitted applications and make the decision on which projects should and should not be funded, it's called a 'Youth Fund' for a reason.


09 October 2012

Applications are now open for the 2012 NZ Mental Health Media Grants, which focus on increasing understanding and reducing stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness.

09 October 2012

09 October 2012

If you are a young person, a group of young people, or an organisation that works in partnership with young people and you have a great project idea that young people will benefit from, then have a look at the attached application form. There is no harm in just looking. You never know - your project might just be perfect for this.


16 November 2012

One thousand students, young professionals and emerging leaders from across the Pacific region will converge in Auckland for the first ever Power Shift NZ-Pacific to be held from 7-9 December 2012 at Auckland University.

16 November 2012

Congratulations to the Volunteer Army Foundation, and their sponsors, supporters, musicians and friends who supported 'The Concert.'