You voted and the theme is...
19 March 2012
“Love the skin you’re in”
Ara Taiohi were amazed at how many people responded to the survey to vote on the theme for this year’s Youth Week 2012!
The theme for this year’s Youth Week is going to be “Love the skin you’re in.”
This inspiring theme is about how important it is to have a happy, healthy and positive self-acceptance of who you are.
Ara Taiohi will be generating some draft designs based on this theme. Then they will send out another short survey where you can choose the design you prefer. So keep an eye out for the next survey!
In the meantime, you can now start thinking about events or activities around the “Love the skin you’re in” themed Youth Week. Ara Taiohi would love to hear your ideas. You can email your suggestions to them or you can post your events and activities on their Facebook page.
If you need to you can contact Youth Week Coordinator, Brittney Schinzel or phone (04) 802 5000.
Ara Taiohi will be adding events to their website as they hear about them, so keep checking in!
Youth Week dates for 2012 are 19 to 27 May.