New Zealand Music Month wants you

16 February 2012

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With a whole lot of bad weather on its way, students will have to look for something to make their summer holidays fun.

And what better way than making music with friends or by themselves.

The New Zealand Music Commission is asking students to write 'the song of NZ Music Month".

The winning song or waiata will be sung by schools and community groups during the Music Month which is celebrated in May 2012.

The goal is to compose a song "New Zealanders would want to sing" no matter if the theme is personal, universal, literal, surreal or whatever springs to mind.

The winning song will receive $500 each for their school for music resources, workshops and for the composer/s. Plus the winning musician or band will get the chance to play their song to wide audiences. Last year's winners for example got to perform their song with Opshop.

All contestants must not be older than 19 years and must be enrolled in school. The competition closes March 8.

More information and entry forms here.

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