Sign-up to the Aotearoa Youth Voices network online and win!

31 January 2012

If you sign-up to the Aotearoa Youth Voices network online in February and you'll be in the draw to win a Prezzy card valued at $100!

The Ministry of Youth Development's Aotearoa Youth Voices network connects you with other young people and government to talk about issues important to you.

Sign up online no later than 29 February 2012 and you will automatically go into the draw! It's that easy.

For more information on the Aotearoa Youth Voices network call 0508 FOR MYD (367 693) or visit

Sign up now and be heard!


  • a valid entry must be received 1 – 29 February 2012
  • only one valid entry per person will be entered into the draw
  • only ‘first-time’ members will be entered into the draw. You are able to enter the draw if you are a past member who unsubscribed more than six months ago and are signing up again
  • you will not be entered into the draw if you unsubscribe from AYV and sign-up again in Feruary 2012
  • existing members cannot sign-up again during February 2012 to enter the draw. Their entries will be invalid
  • the winner will be drawn by a Ministry of Youth Development staff member no later than 31 March 2012
  • by entering this competition you are providing the Ministry of Youth Development with permission to use your name for any future web and publication use
  • for more information contact us on 0508 FOR MYD (367 693) or