Get your mates to sign up now!
16 February 2012
Young people who sign-up to AYV online in February will go into a draw to win a Prezzy card valued at $100!
Encourage your friends to sign-up to the Aotearoa Youth Voices network online in February and they will go into the draw to win a Prezzy card valued at $100!
The Ministry of Youth Development's Aotearoa Youth Voices network connects young people with other young people and government to talk about issues important to them.
Encourage your friends to sign up online no later than 29 February 2012 and they will automatically go into the draw!
For more information check out Aotearoa Youth Voices Network or call 0508 FOR MYD (367 693)
*If you are 12-24 years old and don’t already get these stories delivered to your inbox sign up to our monthly AYV newsletter.