Youth Week 2012 update
17 April 2012
Have you checked out the Youth Week Facebook page yet?
If you know of any events that are happening in your area for Youth Week, that’s one of the places to get the word out.
The application process is now open, apply for your Youth Week event grants! The application forms are available on the Ara Taiohi website. If you fit this year’s grant criteria, please fill in the downloadable form and return it by mail or by email by Monday April 23rd. If you have any inquiries regarding your eligibility or the criteria to apply for grants, email Brittney from Ara Taiohi.
If you are interested in receiving Youth Week resources by mail, such as posters, stickers, and booklets, there will be a form available on the Ara Taiohi website shortly. Fill it in and email it back, and they will get the resources to you well in time for Youth Week!
Remember to check out the Youth Week Facebook page!