National Rangatahi Suicide Prevention Conference
Start: 02 October 2015, . Finish: 04 October 2015, .
He Tirohanga Whakamua is a weekend conference inviting rangatahi from around the motu to Ratana Pa, to develop an indigenous based Suicide prevention toolkit and prevention strategy for rangatahi by rangatahi.
This initiative was a direct response to the call by the Honorable Minister of Maori Affairs Te Ururoa Flavell at the Turamarama ki te Ora conference held in Rotorua earlier this year. Mr Flavell urged participants at the conference to guide how current Government suicide prevention funding for Maori could be better placed. More information about the conference here.
Friday 2 October
3pm Powhiri
4pm Settle in and set up beds
5pm Dinner
6:30 Karakia / Mihimihi / History of Ratana Movement
Evening session (Facilitated by Rongomaitawhiri Ah-Ching / Rangatahi team.)
Marama Fox / Te Ururoa Flavell to give opening mihi to rangatahi.
Connecting Phase 1:
What does a Suicide Prevention Plan for rangatahi look like?
9pm Supper
10-12pm Continued
Saturday 3
8am Breakfast
9am Kori tinana / Ki o Rahi
9:30-12pm Understanding: Break Out sessions
Takatapui perspectives – (Huriana Kopeke)
Male perspectives – (Facilitators RAIDS team)
Female perspectives – (Mauriora Tawaroa-Takiari / Rongomaitawhiri Ah-Ching / Te Wainuiarua Poa)
Connecting the dots…
12-2pm Packed Lunch
Head via bus to Morehu Vibes, Palmerston North
Rangatahi sharing Suicide Prevention messages to the community
3pm Afternoon tea
3:30-5:30 Heeni Morehu – The Tree of Life
Up close and personal discussions
Rangatahi and Parents
(Co-facilitated by Mike Naera and Rangatahi Team)
6pm Hakari
8-11pm Entertainment with Local Bands
Sunday 4th October
9am Breakfast
10:30am Where to from here?
12pm Poroporoaki
Ka mutu