National Youth Advisory Group hui
12 August 2015
Youth Week 2015 marked a milestone for the National Youth Advisory Group, with over 50 young people aged 12-24 from across New Zealand meeting in Wellington for a two-day hui.
These Youth Advisors provide advice and input to both governmental and non-governmental organisations from a youth perspective and are a prime way to get quality insight into what young people think and need. While in Wellington the young people heard from and discussed with the Ministry of Social Development's Youth Policy team, the Ministry of Education, members of the Flag Consideration Panel and fellow youth advisors.
The National Youth Advisory Group members were also instrumental in putting on the Youth Week 2015 Award Ceremony at Parliament on 26 May. Members acted as ushers, speakers, Ministerial Aides and the MC during the night which recognised the efforts of youth around the country.
The entire group then met the Minister for Youth, Hon Nikki Kaye, and discussed a number of shared priorities, culminating in a number of avenues to explore future projects.
This was the first time the National Youth Advisory Group had met in person and has set the foundation for increased participation and inclusion in opportunities for young people to have their ideas heard in the near future.
Keep on the lookout for what we do next!
Written by Brad Olsen, National Youth Advisory Group member
Below is the Minister for Youth, Hon Nikki Kaye with members of the National Youth Advisory Group