Youth Week 2014
13 May 2014
Youth Week is being celebrated between 17-25 May 2014. This year's theme is 'Be the Change'
What is Youth Week?
Youth Week is about recognising the amazing contributions and achievements of young people in New Zealand.
The week inspires us to value, support, and affirm the diversity of young people in our society.
Ultimately we want Aotearoa/New Zealand to be a country where young people are vibrant and optimistic through being supported and encouraged to take up challenges.

Be the Change
The theme for Youth Week 2014 is 'Be the Change' which encourages young people to lead the way and challenge themselves to try something different.
Adults are encouraged to champion young people, support their enthusiasm and celebrate their successes.
Youth Week 2014 Awards
This year as a way to celebrate the contribution young people make in our communities MYD, working with Ara Taiohi, are proud to bring you the Youth Week 2014 Awards.
For more information about these awards go to the link below.
Get Involved
There are many Youth Week events happening throughout New Zealand.
To see what is happening in your community check out the links below.
You can also keep up to date by 'liking' the Aotearoa Youth Voices Facebook Page