Youth Parliament 2010
Youth Parliament 2010 was an opportunity for young New Zealanders to learn about New Zealand’s democracy and influence public decision-making.

Youth Parliament has been held every three years since 1994. Young people from around New Zealand are chosen by their local (electorate or list) Member of Parliament (MP) to be a Youth Member of Parliament (Youth MP). During Youth Parliament, Youth MPs have the opportunity to debate legislation, sit on select committees and ask parliamentary questions of Cabinet Ministers.
Meanwhile, their Youth Press Gallery colleagues report on their activities and make sure they are held accountable to the public.
Youth Parliament is real as possible. Government personnel and procedures are maintained.
The last Youth Parliament was held 6-7 July 2010. The Youth Parliament 2010 Bill focused on creating an age of majority bill. The bill focused on creating a single age of majority that would make a single age for different activities to become lawful, eg drinking, driving and voting ages. This was passed by Youth MPs.
Ten select committees were also held.
The New Zealand Business and Parliament Trust competition
Congratulations to Amelia MacDonald for winning the Youth Parliament 2010 New Zealand Business and Parliament Trust Prize Competition. Second was Ella Borrie and third was Sylvie Admore and Jenny Zhang. If you haven't already seen the videos links are below.
The New Zealand Business and Parliament Trust (NZBPT) supported Youth Parliament 2010 by offered Youth MPs the chance to win a share of $5,000 to support further study.
The trust has been a supporter of Youth Parliament since 1997 and has provided opportunities for Youth MPs for each subsequent Youth Parliament.
For 2010, the trust asked Youth MPs to submit their views on the issues, impressions and impacts of being part of Youth Parliament 2010.