Information for Young People
Find out about some of the exciting stuff happening for rangatahi!
Youth Plan
The aims of the Youth Plan: Voice, Leadership, Action (Youth Plan) are: the voices and perspectives of young people are listened to, valued, and embedded in decision-making at all levels; and the mana of young people is uplifted, and young people are enabled to lead their own lives, have their identities seen, valued and respected, and have increasing influence in their communities and over government policy. The Youth Plan is formed of three interconnected documents: a Strategic Framework, a Rolling Suite of Actions, and a Measurement Framework.
Youth Voice

Young people have consistently told us that they want their voice heard in the decisions that impact them and their future. They must be supported and enabled to be part of the conversation about shaping a productive, sustainable and inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand. MYD has an important part to play in bringing youth voice to the table.
Youth Week
The annual Youth Week celebrates the positive contributions that young people make to Aotearoa New Zealand. Check out all current opportunities and get involved in both organising and participating in events!
Youth Parliament
Youth Parliament is a great opportunity for young New Zealanders to bring a youth voice to key decision-makers. Acting as Youth MPs and Youth Press Gallery members, they experience Parliament as closely to the real thing as possible and get first-hand insights into the public decision making process.
Youth Councils - Local Government
Local Government provides youth councils and other youth advisory groups with regional networking and training opportunities. Youth participation helps make young people aware of their role in a democracy.
Young People and funding panels
Work with community and government decision-makers to help make funding decisions which will affect you and your community.
Youth Enterprise
We know young people are among the hardest hit in the post COVID-19 work environment. Youth enterprise programmes can offer a significant contribution to building a more hopeful, prosperous, equitable, and sustainable future for Aotearoa New Zealand.
New Zealand Youth Awards

The New Zealand Youth Awards were designed to recognise and celebrate the passion, success and commitment of rangatahi, and those that support them, who are leading change, innovating and creating solutions throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.