Use of the Ministry of Youth Development - Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi logo
The Ministry of Youth Development (MYD) - Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi logo is the key element of the Ministry's corporate visual identity and brand. MYD has strict guidelines about the reproduction and use of the logo.
On this page:
The display of the MYD logo contributes to our public profile as a New Zealand government organisation. The logo provides community recognition, awareness and trust through brand communication. It is about signalling both ownership and credibility of MYD as an organisation.
Who can use the Ministry's logo?
The logo may not be used in any circumstances, including advertising, publicity material, corporate documents and web pages, unless you have been granted prior permission.
Subject to approval, the logo may be used by two types of organisations:
- Non-government organisations may be granted the use of the logo to signify that they receive Ministry support or sponsorship. In these situations, the words "supported by" or "sponsored by" should be used, or it must otherwise be clear that the organisation is not, itself, a Government agency.
- Providers or organisations who receive funding from the Ministry may be granted the use of the logo providing the following criteria are met:
- there is an obvious and clear link in the text to the Ministry's work programme
- use of logo will not put the Ministry at risk or raise any expectations or pose any questions
- proposed text and/or artwork is made available for the Ministry to view as part of the approval process.
Formats and Visual Identity Guidelines
MYD's logo is available in a variety of formats:
- full colour, spot colour and black
- wide and tall.
MYD's Visual Identity Guidelines are available as a PDF and will be included if you are approved to use our logo. These must be followed when the logo is used or you will be asked to remove our logo.
Further information
Please contact us if you have any questions or wish to request the use of the logo.
Ministry of Youth Development - Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi
Ph (04) 916 3300