Young, Disabled,and Speaking Out

Results from a survey of disabled young people for the New Zealand report on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The Office of Disabilities Issues (ODI) is responsible for preparing the New Zealand report on New Zealand's implementation of the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Convention).

An important part of preparing the report was consultation with people with disabilities. The Ministry of Youth Development (MYD) undertook consultation to ensure the views of disabled young people were included.

The survey was developed based on the questions being used by ODI in their wider consultation. Some youth specific questions were added and questions shaped to suit the survey setting. The survey was available online and in hard copy. There were 138 responses eligible for analysis. Of these 67 were from disabled young people (12-24 years of age) and 76 from parents of disabled young people.